Point of view article: Doing Data

Point of view article: Doing Data
SparkOptimus Team
Written by
Koen Verschuren
The SparkOptimus Blog Team
August 27, 2019

There are two main criteria for winning any race: going fast and going in the right direction. In the context of your company’s race against your competitors, “direction” represents your company’s strategy and “speed” represents your effectiveness in the implementation of that strategy. At SparkOptimus, we believe in helping companies with both speed and direction. Together with our clients, we steer company strategy, design a roadmap and, together, kick-start and guide the implementation of the strategy based on the roadmap. This is why we have nurtured a workforce that is both strategically and technically skilled, and why we always advise combining the writing of a company strategy with its implementation.

Strategy & Implementation
This hands-on approach carries even more weight in the domain of data, where trust is a big issue. There are a lot over overpromising parties out there that – perhaps with the best of intentions – either design an impractical data strategy, or help you build data services that simply add zero business value. Continued disappointing results have left many a company disillusioned and skeptical about the true value of data. There is inherently more trust in a strategic design when the designer is also the one implementing it. The process is one of co-creation, in which both parties are invested and equally motivated towards success.

Doing, facilitating, creating business value through data science
In order to honor our “getting-it-done” culture and service, we have become experts in the technical side of data; not only by enhancing our team with technical experts, but primarily by delivering a high volume of data-heavy projects. Confident in our role as data experts, we are now making our expertise available through the AA & AI service line. This service line combines our strategic expertise and pragmatic best practices with a deep understanding of doing, facilitating and creating business value through data science.

Our service line will address four key business needs:

1. Writing and implementing a strategy roadmap that leverages the potential value of data
2. Building data capability that enhances business value
3. Designing and implementing a standardized process for developing data initiatives
4. Implementing a specific data initiative

SparkOptimus is organizing an AI & Advanced Analytics edition of our well-known masterclass.
Interested? Have a look and subscribe here.

To explore your company’s initial opportunities Advanced Data Analytics /AI, for example via a data maturity scan or a value prioritization workshop, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Partner Steven Koolen via s.koolen@sparkoptimus.com or tel.no. 00 31 (0) 20-3059000.

Ready to transform your organization? Discover how with our 1-week scan.