SparkOptimus and The Young Pianist Foundation

SparkOptimus and The Young Pianist Foundation
SparkOptimus Team
Written by
Tamara Schoon
The SparkOptimus Blog Team
May 6, 2019

Being a proud sponsor of the Young Pianist Foundation comes with ample opportunities for our Sparkies to come into contact with the intriguing world of classical piano music: a fabulous weekend at Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ during the Young Pianist Foundation (YPF) Piano Competition last February, an in-house piano concert by former winner, Thomas Beijer at our premises in Amsterdam Oud-Zuid in March, plus a great piano concert by the 3 finalists of the YPF Piano Competition coming up this May…

Matti van Engelen, associate at SparkOptimus says: “Being a pianist myself, I was amazed by Thomas Beijer, a winner of the YPF Competition, who played some beautiful Spanish classical music during our Family Day at the office – music that many (including myself) would otherwise never have heard. Thomas inspired me to look into Spanish classical music further, and I recently began playing my first piece by Albéniz, one of the composers Thomas Beijer introduced me to!”
“This sharing of inspiration is not the only benefit of this sponsorship”, explains Tamara Schoon, PR & Communications Manager at SparkOptimus. “We have common ground in our shared belief that stimulating top talent is crucial: nourishing talent, promoting the best!”

And that resonates at our company, too. Denise Klop, associate at SparkOptimus: “Attending the Young Pianist final was a really interesting experience. I enjoyed listening to the music, but most of all was impressed by the dedication of the young pianists. They are truly talented, and I am proud of the fact SparkOptimus is helping to make their dreams come true!”

In an upcoming documentary about this special foundation, Alexandra Jankovich, Managing partner at SparkOptimus, puts it as follows: “Our company always sets the bar high. We support companies and at the same time build their in-house capabilities to independently continue their journey. We can only succeed in this if we support our own employees to get the most out of their talents, too. The Young Pianist Foundation does something similar: it brings young pianists to the fore so that they can stand on their own two feet. That deserves our support, because as Managing partner of SparkOptimus, I know better than anyone that developing talent leads to growth and impact. It’s a wonderful bonus that our clients and employees get to enjoy beautiful classical piano music. Plus, encounters with top talent from other sectors are always very inspiring!”

Nothing could be more true: allow us to introduce pianist Thomas Beijer, performing at our office last March. Enjoy!


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