Executing & rolling-out the strategy

Brunel Netherlands is part of Brunel, a worldwide service provider in employment and is leading in specific (technical) segments of the local & international labour market. For the Netherlands management had set the strategic direction. But it needed to translate it to concrete change and to drive and track progress & results of the new growth strategy. Hence, it looked for (light & pragmatic) support.
The assistance that SparkOptimus provided, has been crucial in driving our new strategy. Through its strategic view combined with a pragmatic approach, it succeeded in creating the necessary support within our organization for the strategy roll-out.
To ensure optimal engagement within the Brunel organization, full ownership was given to Brunel teams with SparkOptimus supporting in three areas: (i) translating the high-level strategy into concrete goals (KPI’s) and a list of initiatives, (ii) bringing clarity for each initiative on activities, needed resources & timings, and (iii) setting up a structure & process support to successfully drive the transformation. Throughout the project, we aided in structuring and challenging the work that was done as well as driving progress with the MT leads as well as working groups.
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By clearly defining goals, initiatives and needed activities, resources and timings, we created full transparency on what was needed to successfully implement the new strategy. After half a year this already lead to concrete results and energy & momentum in the organization with the linked communication approach.
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