
Making B2B ecommerce work in industrials

Join us to discover how industrial players are leveraging B2B ecommerce and digital routes-to-market to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and disrupt the industry landscape.
Date to be announced soon
November 30, 2023
Making B2B ecommerce work in industrials

Our guests and moderators

Our guests

Our moderators

Viktor Valk

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Business Unit Manager
Sandvik / Velroq
Viktor Valk

Michael Vvedenskiy

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Director Global eCommerce
Greif, Inc.
Michael Vvedenskiy

Pierre Tannoux

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VP of Customer Experience & Digital Marketing Transformation
Pierre Tannoux

What to expect

Industrial value chains are facing disruption: parts of the value chain are consolidating, intermediaries are being commoditized, and everything is trying to build up a customer relationship. A number of challenges arise: How can you navigate in such an era, without alienating long-term partners? How do you go online in a way that it strengthens the business and unlocks new value pools? Where do you actually start? In short: How do you make B2B ecommerce work?

Join our 1.5-hour (free) webinar to hear how we adress those questions together and share the Dos & Don’ts from three real-life transformation cases.

Be part of a unique conversation

No rhetoric - real world insights only. We will talk honestly about the failures, frustrations and issues our panelists and ourselves have faced - openly approaching the challenging topics and always tell it like it is.

Real stories

Get inspired by real stories (both successes and failures!)

Actionable insights

Get concrete insights on how to move from plan to action

Learn from experts

Get honest & practical advice & learn from other peoples’ mistakes

Interactive & fun

Participate in a fun and entertaining discussion

Connect with peers

Connect & learn with a cross-industry group of peers

Event - SparkOptimus
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