Shell’s plastic waste challenge

Shell’s plastic waste challenge
What they wanted

Plastics waste is a complex challenge that requires collaboration amongst all players within the value chain. To address these challenges, Shell aimed to lead the plastics ecosystem by developing innovative 'win-win' solutions.

To kickstart this ambition, we assessed the ecosystem, identified opportunities, ideated solutions, and shaped two end-to-end proof of concepts.

What they said

What we did

Plastics waste is a complex challenge that requires collaboration amongst all players within the value chain. To address these challenges, Shell aimed to lead the plastics ecosystem by developing innovative 'win-win' solutions.

To kickstart this ambition, we assessed the ecosystem, identified opportunities, ideated solutions, and shaped two end-to-end proof of concepts.

Shell’s plastic waste challenge

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What we achieved
Steven Koolen
Steven Koolen
Partner | Sector Lead Energy

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