Transforming the Shell Lubricants Marine business

Transforming the Shell Lubricants Marine business
What they wanted

Shell sought a comprehensive assessment of its Lubricants Marine business and the AccuPort venture.

We established the current baseline, refined and iterated both short-term (MVP) and long-term (vision) propositions and business models, and developed organizational and technological blueprints. We also crafted a rollout strategy and plan, including financials and buy/build decisions, ultimately identifying 8 key initiatives to enhance Shell’s Lubricant Marine business.

What they said

What we did

Shell sought a comprehensive assessment of its Lubricants Marine business and the AccuPort venture.

We established the current baseline, refined and iterated both short-term (MVP) and long-term (vision) propositions and business models, and developed organizational and technological blueprints. We also crafted a rollout strategy and plan, including financials and buy/build decisions, ultimately identifying 8 key initiatives to enhance Shell’s Lubricant Marine business.

Transforming the Shell Lubricants Marine business

Take the insights with you

What we achieved
Steven Koolen
Steven Koolen
Partner | Sector Lead Energy

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